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Traveling to the U.K. after January 8, 2025.

Your Gateway to U.S.A. Finley & Bologna International Finley & Bologna International. Attorneys at Law Of Counsel, Diaz Reus International Law Firm Miami Tower, 100 SE 2nd Street, Suite 3400, Miami, FL 33131. 305.379.7676 8461 Lake Worth Road, Suite 226,...

H1 B Visa is a nonimmigrant classification applying to people who wish to perform services in a specialty occupation, services of exceptional merit and ability relating to cooperative research and development project, or services as a fashion model of distinguished merit or ability.

H1 B Visa is a nonimmigrant classification applying to people who wish to perform services in a specialty occupation, services of exceptional merit and ability relating cooperative research and development project, or services as a  fashion model of distinguished...

Immigration News

Having processed 100’s and 100’s of Green Cards, Visas, Citizenships for over 36 years.  We are at your service. CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR...